Bester Media

Product Range According To The Strategic Plan

According to your company’s product line, we need to designate your digital marketing strategy to be different. Both social media and other interactive platforms of communication and proper planning and a high percentage of your customer segmentation will affect your marketing activities. Low-high consideration determination, according to the desire of the customer’s purchasing power and in this sense is important. …

Bester Media

Using Tweet Stats

An important tool that allows you to analyze your Twitter stats page free tweet. Especially if you are having people from different agency or your Twitter page, your page easily understand what they do for them and how much you can spend on it. If you are an agency that does this work if your customer reports obtained here can …

Bester Media

Your Web Site and What You Need to Do

In our globalized world, companies can no longer reach out to your computer is as easy as the Click of a key. About 20 years ago the internet in our lives, companies to reach thousands of customers like incredibly receding door communication costs provides companies with very cheap costs. To reach out to the correct target audience, your industry, depending …

Bester Media

A Brief Overview Of The Digital Marketing

90 at the beginning of the year, we began to use of the Internet by consumers in today’s world, so I guess that could be the father of the internet Leonard kleinrock could predict effective enough. The marketing systems of the future, now that the internet over the world were established. Today, the largest consumer communities with the United States, …

Bester Media

Facebook Will Be Considered In The Strategy

Founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, the facebook, with 350 million customers and more than 500 employees, is one of the most powerful tools of social media now. By Yahoo in 2006, $ 1 trillion, It was required to purchase, however the present value over 10 trillion dollars. But for facebook what makes it so powerful? Among the membership of …

Bester Media

The Width Of Social Media

Social media outlets when creating your strategy, there are some important tips that you need to be careful about the users. In Turkey, more than half of the total time that users spend on the internet right now facebook, Twitter, social media channels, such as in the use of spends. But why? The answer to this question is actually for …

Interactive Digital Marketing

1-What is interactive marketing? Interactive marketing is not just social media, or did identify some of the Internet applications. Bringing together some of the company’s existing or potential special studies for its customers, marketing activities, advertising and a one-way communication based on non-interactive communication of the company and the customer in identifying mutual customers that brought their own beer and …

Bester Media

E-Commerce Time

Now the new generation with the right proportion of the relationship between the use of Internet which is the best e-commerce sector could become a shining yildizlasara suggests that in the future. There is plenty of choice shopping service door to the world of e-commerce, every day, firms toward more attention. The user is also e-commerce Digital Marketing Manager erkan …

Bester Media

Social Media for Beginners

We use traditional marketing in radio, television, Newspapers such as the importance of media while maintaining the last 3-4 years for “integrated marketing” concept came to the forefront, but the importance of social media, not only the USA, in advanced economies such as the UK, Turkey, in emerging economies such as Brazil could not be considered an interesting and surprising …