When you put social media in Turkey, Twitter is one of the most important medium that comes to mind. Plus all transactions that can be done on Twitter there is a change in our country especially among. No company or brand, we’re not saying don’t do this, Of course, the ones that did.
Twitter follower and following numbers already out there, the important point here is that these two values may be equal to the number of. Especially in our country it’s quite interesting that they want to bring to zero the following number of companies. Being less of this issue are not commensurate with the quality of your Twitter page. Companies in this context, it certainly may want to position this number to zero, but will users follow a brand to honor them, and most of them will earn you loyal customers of your brand with this singular transaction, which has done special account.
The first time you open your Twitter page, you don’t have to abide by this rule, especially the number of people you follow can be much more. However, after reaching the desired target number of number of balance you have to perform or your promotion.
The logic you follow Twitter, you can watch it here, it is not important that you have a company or personal account. Especially if your company’s Twitter page the following person-to-person, not necessarily you get to watch this account. However, the company culture is purely for advertising purposes or contrary to the accounts person will be more accurate if you follow. As a result, your following and follower is approximately equal to that number does not constitute a drawback. Gain loyal customers and more interactive, especially if you want to follow this strategy.
However, you can have a great brand; the number of followers can be more than 100,000; in this case there could be right not following all users. Only keeps track of the users that you want to connect, and after getting results, you can remove it. Important for your brand, sub-brand or a common brand you can keep track of your work. You can follow senior and middle level managers; however, here, the company must be opened the question according to a transparent structure of your company or the consumers that may come with any words(!). It is depending on your strategy which systems you want to use as first looking the brand, the target audience and marketing strategy; however, remember that there are tens of topics that you should review before making the decision!